Jobs Club

Jobs Club is our service which supports people into employment, education, training, and volunteering. It has been running for 6 years and has helped many people to work towards their employability aims.

How we Help

Jobs Club can be crucial for people who has no access to benefits in getting into long term housing. In those cases, they need to secure a contractual job prior to access housing support.

For those on benefits, we help them following up their compromises with their Job Centre, and once in accommodation support them to get employment. For those who would like to get a qualification to start a new career, or just to refresh skills. We can also help with guidance on available courses and training, and through individual grants we can cover the course fees.

Although it’s called Jobs Club, we are also here to help people how are not yet ready for work or don’t have the right to get into paid employment. We recognise that even at this stage there is a lot you can do to get prepared for employment, as well as for many refugees and asylum-seekers who are not allowed to work it can be invaluable to do a work placement or volunteering.

The Jobs Club is linked in with many local companies, agencies and employers to offer a range of opportunities to our guests. If you – or your company is interested in partnering with us please contact


“I was pleased to attend the C4WS Jobs Club for an initial three-week period. I found the experience profoundly humbling and incredibly rewarding. I previously thought I had a good idea of what it must be like to be homeless, but this experience made me see things from a different perspective. It’s the simple things that we all take for granted that struck me most, as these present a daily challenge to homeless individuals; How can I contact someone, if I don’t have a phone? How do I meet this person, if I have no mode of transport? A simple short investment of time on my side together with great support from C4WS, helped individuals overcome these barriers and get things back on track. The positivity generated as a result between the mentees I met was incredible. The whole experience, brief as it was, has been one of the most rewarding in a lifetime and has been left me wanting to do more.”

Rob Chapman, Jobs Club Mentor